「いい? ママは30分で戻るからね。どこにも行っちゃダメよ、それに玄関のベルが鳴ってもドアを開けちゃダメよ」「うん、分かったよママ」の英語
- "OK. I will be back in 30 minutes. Don't go anywhere and don't open the door even if the bell rings." "OK, Mom."〔母→子(独りでお留守番)〕
ルーシー、どこにも行っちゃダメよ。ママのそばにいるのよ。分かった?: Lucy, don't go anywhere. Stay right by my side, OK?
分かったわ…ママの手を離しちゃダメだからね。じゃ、出発!: All right. You have to hold my hand all the time. Let's go!
通りを渡っちゃダメよ!お庭にいるのよ。分かった?: Don't cross the street! Stay in the yard, OK?
夜は出歩いちゃダメよ。分かった?: Don't go out at night, OK?
うん、いいわよ。でもあんまりたくさんお水あげちゃダメよ。分かった?: Yes, you can. But not too much, OK?
のぞいちゃダメよ!: No peeking!
「ママー!痒い!」「どうしたの、ルーシー?蚊に刺されちゃったの?きっと痒いだろうけど、掻いちゃダメよ。ますます痒くなっちゃうからね」: "Mom, it's itchy." "What is it, Lucy? A mosquito bite? It must be itchy, but don't scratch. That'll make it worse."〔子→母(蚊に刺された)〕
ほら、どうぞ。レジに行ったらお店の人に渡すのよ。家に帰るまで開けちゃダメよ。: OK. Here you go. Give them to the cashier when we check out. Don't open them until we get home.
「ママ、これ食べていい?」「ダメよ。お金を払うまで、何も食べちゃダメ。これはまだママ達のものじゃないのよ」: "Mommy, can I eat this?" "No, you can't. You can't have anything until you pay for it. This is not ours yet."〔子→母(買い物中に)〕
電車の中で走っちゃダメよ!: Don't run in the train!
着物脱ぐまで、それ食べちゃダメよ。: Don't eat that until you take your Kimono off.
触っちゃダメ!: Don't touch it!〔親→子〕
「ママ、お菓子食べていい?」「ダメ、言ったでしょ。間食しちゃダメって」: "Mom, can I have some candy?" "No, I told you. You can't snack between meals."〔子→母〕
それはこっちの方がはるかにそうよね。だからここでもうまくいってるんだと思うわ。そうじゃなくちゃダメよ、じゃないと大混乱になっちゃうもの。: Much more so. And I think that's why it works here. It has to be that way, or else there would be chaos.
あんまりあそこのお宅に長居しちゃダメよ。あんまりご迷惑かけるわけにもいかないからね。: Don't stay at their place too long. You shouldn't bother them too much.